


Galette在Galette - Wikipedia的討論與評價

The website joyofbaking.com defines the term galette as "a French term signifying a flat round cake that can be either sweet or savory and while [recipes can ...


謝謝大家對我們的疼愛與照顧! ... No photo description available. See Menu. 葛樂蒂咖啡館Galette. Coffee Shop.

Galette在15 Galettes That Are Easier Than, Well, Pie | Bon Appétit的討論與評價

15 Galettes That Are Easier Than, Well, Pie · Tomato Galette · Peach-Plum Galette · Goat Cheese, Leek, and Potato Galettes with Pistachio Crust.



    galette 翻譯:(一種非甜味的)圓形扁平的小點心。了解更多。

    Galette在Best Apple Galette Recipe - Delish.com的討論與評價

    Here at Delish, we LOVE making galettes. Why? They've got all the delicious elements of pie: flaky, buttery crust, and tender baked fruit.

    Galette在Galette des Rois Recipe - NYT Cooking - The New York ...的討論與評價

    The galette des rois, celebrating Epiphany, the day the Three Kings (les rois) visited the infant Jesus, is baked throughout January in France.

    Galette在《galette》食譜與做法,共10 道 - 愛料理的討論與評價

    愛料理「galette」食譜。有最新的《野菇國王烘餅(Galette)》,以及《布列塔尼酥餅Galette Breto》、《節瓜派》、《法式高纖蕎麥培根蛋薄餅(Galette)》。

    Galette在galette - Wiktionary的討論與評價

    Apricot Galette. A galette is a rustic, free-form fruit tart, baked directly on a lined baking sheet rather than in a tart pan. Some galettes are made with puff ...

    Galette在可麗餅與法式Galette美味料理製作食譜集 - 博客來的討論與評價

    法式薄餅源自於法國的布列塔尼地區,最先出現的其實是被稱為Galette、用來當作正餐食用的鄉土料理,後來逐便演變出甜口味的餅皮才擁有了更為知名的Crêpe可麗餅這個名稱 ...

    Galette在Peach galette with brown sugar crust recipe | BBC Good ...的討論與評價

    A galette is a free-form tart, which means no tart tins or blind baking, so they're really easy to make but look very impressive. This pastry works well ...

    Galette的PTT 評價、討論一次看
